· February 7-8, 11-15, 8 pm: DramaTech Theater, "Me, Thy Creature." Three original one-act plays commissioned by DramaTech, organized around themes drawn from Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. Admission is $5 for students; $8 for faculty; and $10 for General Admission. DramaTech Theater. Phone: 404-894-2745.


· Wednesday, March 3, 4pm: Women, Science, and Technology (WST) Research Panel, "Frankenstein and Film": Angela Dalle Vacche, Narin Hassan, and Carol Senf. Co-sponsored with by the School of Literature, Communication, and Culture (LCC) and the Georgia Tech Library. Clary Theater, Student Success Center.


· Monday, April 5, 7pm: Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (dir. Kenneth Branaugh). Student Center Theater.


· Tuesday, April 13, 7pm: Young Frankenstein (dir. Mel Brooks). Student Center Theater.


· Monday, April 19, 7pm: The Bride of Frankenstein (dir. James Whale). Film to be introduced by guest speaker Sara Karloff, daughter of Boris Karloff. Student Center Theater.

  lecture series




films and other events



events outside tech
